

Thank God it’s the weekend!  The past few weeks have been a slog and I’m really looking forward to not wearing work clothes, a glass of wine and a good book.  Also, I’m nerding out and going to a puppy festival on Sunday.  Puppies + Costumes = Amazing.

Work Appropriate?

Work Appropriate?

So there’s no doubt that, with the turtleneck, this outfit is completely work appropriate.  But what about with the black, silk tank?  My organization is fine with bare arms, but does it look too much like a date outfit?  Maybe I should play it safe and bring a cardigan…

Travel Light

Travel Light
I’ve had a lot of event travel (weddings, benefits, conferences, etc.) lately and I finally feel that I’ve got a handle on packing for this type of thing.  Usually I blow it by packing way too many shoes.  Two is my hard limit now.  I’m a reformed woman.  Two pairs of shoes, a two color palate and just a sprinkling of jewelry.